Guru Randhawa, a singer and actor, will shortly make his Pollywood debut. Yes! Yes, you read that correctly: Guru Randhawa will make his film debut in Punjabi industry. He just recently began filming for his upcoming Punjabi film. Recently, Guru Randhawa posted the update to his social media pages. You may also view the post by going to the following link:-
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He can be seen on the filming locations in this video. In this video, he is seen dancing with Neha Dayal, a popular Pollywood actress. “On the sets of my first Ever Punjabi movie See you all in cinemas in 2024,” he wrote beside the video. in the post’s caption. In the same style and from the same set, he also uploaded another post.
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Guru Randhawa will appear in a Punjabi film shortly; the film’s title has not yet been released. Despite this, Guru Randhawa will soon appear in a Bollywood film as well. ‘Kuch Khatta Ho Jaye’ is the name of the film. This will be Guru Randhawa’s first Bollywood film. So tell us in comment area that how much eager you are for these films of Guru Randhawa. Stay Connected to Punjabi Teshan for additional updates………………….