Dakuaan Da Munda Dev Kharoud has become royal sardar’s Kaka Ji in recent released movie titled Kaka Ji. He is seen alongside Aarushi Sharma, Jagjeet Sandhu, Lucky Dhaliwal and many more. This star cast has done an amazing job in entertaining the audience.
The story of the movie revolves around Kaka Ji who falls in love with Aarushi and then how they get separated, then they met or not, all the story is about this. There is a new element also which is heard very normally and that is Kalle Kacchiya Wale. You must have heard many stories about them. There is a part of it in the movie which you will enjoy alot.
Dheeraj Kunar is seen in an important role and Dev Kharoud is first time playing a romantic, comic character alongside actions. Jagjeet Sandhu has done the comedy well and debutante Aarushi has also played her part well. Dream Reality Movies presented this movie is directed by Mandeep Benipal and written by Gill Raunta.
This love story has actions also and audience will enjoy this blend of actions in comedy. Kaka Ji movie is running successful in the theaters and if you are Dev Kharoud and Jagjeet Sandhu’s fan, you can witness their new sites of acting. Now looking forward for more movies which will represent different genres.