Chandigarh, 31st August 2023 (Punjabi Teshan)The teaser of upcoming movie ‘Zindagi Zindabaad’ has been released lately on the official You Tube Channel of Saga Hits. As the teaser suggests, this movie is based on the Mintu Gurusaria’s book ‘Soola’. This movie based on the real incidents and Ninja is playing the role of Mintu Gurusaria. You can also have a look of the teaser by clicking on the link given below:-
As you can see in the teaser, Ninja is playing the lead role in the movie and we can see his dual shades in the teaser. We will get to know about the deep meanings of life by watching this movie.To know what happened in the middle of changing the looks, we have to watch the movie. Talking about the starcast, we will see Ninja, Mandy Takhar, Sukhdeep Sukh, Yaad Grewal, Rajiv Thakur, Amrit Amby, Samuel John, Anita Meet, Vadda Grewal, Jagdeep Randhawa and Sardar Sohi playing pivotal roles in the movie.
The story of ‘Zindagi Zindabaad’ is penned by Mintu Gurusaria, the screenplay is penned by Prem Singh Sidhu. This movie is directed by Prem Singh Sidhu. ‘Zindagi Zindabaad’ is produced by Sumeet Singh, Ashok Yadav, Ritik Bansal, Gaurav Mittal and Rinku Bansal.
Meanwhile, this movie is presented by Saga Studios, under the banner of Saga Studios this movie will be released. The release date is also revealed by the makers, ‘Zindagi Zindabaad’ will be released on 27th October 2023. So let us know about your excitement for the movie in comment section below. For more updates stay tuned to Punjabi Teshan……………..