In 1948 Indian football team played his innings barefooted in England against France. They called “Barefoot Warriors” This is an upcoming Hollywood Movie Project produced by Jatinder Jay Minhas (Minhas Films Productions) under the direction of Kavi Raz. In Punjab’s history there are so many unsung legendary characters. But as the time passes they got faded. According to movie theme director can re create those characters.
“Barefoot Warriors” is an indo- American Venture. The project is made to portray the real heroes of our Punjab history. This is Minhas Films initial step towards this. According to Punjab Parliament Speaker Rana KP Singh, There should be films on the real heroes of Punjab like Banda Singh Bhadur, Hari Singh Nalua etc. He said that in European countries our Saragadi heroes are the case study for them. But today people going to forget that heroes. So on a large canvas we should portray these legends. He admires the step of Minhas Films to promote Punjab’s heroes worldwide.
Film Producer demands that Punjab Government should make this movie tax free so that he can work on such movies.